Leading the way with a bespoke single platform solution for the commercial kitchen and laundry industry, Advance brings to you a consolidated live information system for all your appliance in your estate, connected.

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Connected by Advance measures all your utilities from gas, water, and electrical usage, allowing clients to make informed live decisions on:
- Tailored planned maintenance.
- Eliminating future downtime before occurrence
- Managing HACCP
- Monitoring usage, productivity and underperforming appliances
- And more…

Connected by Advance, allows a truly one stop platform to manage your catering and laundry assets, a first for the industry. No longer do operators need to rely on multiple apps and websites to see their products, with Connected by Advance, this holistic solution working under the “Advantage” system brings all brands together. We can track site by site, good and bad practice to give ongoing training and support suggestions to drive down cost and inefficiencies. In addition, being connected, allows our consultants to support with our clients on their annual budgeting giving direct and reliable ROI modelling.

Connected to your appliances, Connected to our customers